Gallery 1 – up to about 1910

Jonathan Davis Esarey late in his life. In some places this photo is misidentified as his father, John Esarey (1744-1828). That would be impossible since photography was not yet invented by the time of the elder Esarey’s death.
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Tintype image of Jesse Clark Esarey. In spite of his apparent youth in this image, the photo could have been made no earlier than the 1850s when tintypes were introduced in the US. More likely it was made in the mid-1860s.
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Jacob Esarey (1829-1910) was the 12th child of Jonathon Davis Esarey (b. 1783). Photo from Myra E. Evans “Logan Esarey His Ancestors and their Descendants” 1968

Hiram Marcus Esarey (1813-1891) and Sophia Walker (d. Jan. 1885)
This is the elder Hiram Marcus Esarey, sometimes confused with his nephew of the same name, especially since, after the death of Sophia in 1885, this Hiram Marcus Esarey subsequently married Dorothea Saalman, mother of Anna Amanda Saalman, second wife of his same-named nephew. More on the younger Hiram Marcus Esarey is below and in Gallery 5. More on Dorothea is in Gallery 4. Photo from Myra E. Evans “Logan Esarey His Ancestors and their Descendants” 1968

Judging by the age of James, this tintype dates to the middle or late 1860s. James Hughes Esarey was son of Jesse Clark Esarey and Susannah Hughes. He is at the far left of the back row in the later photo of the entire family (sans Jesse) posted below.

esse Clark and Susannah Hughes Esarey’s daughter Ann with Hiram Frakes. (Note: this is not Hiram Milo Frakes who is the subject of another gallery page here). I estimate this photo to date approximately early 1870s. Ann is seen with her siblings at the far right of the front row in the photo below.

Names: Front Row:John Clark Esarey, William Darlington Esarey, Sarah Esarey Miller, Susannah Hughes Esarey, Mary Ellen Esarey Ewing, Susannah (Ann) Esarey Frakes. Back Row: James Hughes Esarey, Jacob Absalom Esarey, Hiram Marcus Esarey, Jonathon Davis (Squire) Esarey, Felix Ewing Esarey, Samuel Walker Esarey, and Jesse Benjamin Esarey.
This extraordinary photo of the family of Jesse Clark Esarey and Susannah Hughes was made several years after Jesse’s death in 1869. John Clark Esarey, author of the Civil War letters published in the Esarey family book, is at the far left of the front row. A portrait of his family, as well as the family of brother Hiram Marcus Esarey (back row 3rd from left) is posted below.
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View a page on John Hughes and Mary Daggs Hughes – parents of Susannah Hughes

Son of Jesse Clark and Susannah Hughes Esarey.
Photo from Myra E. Evans “Logan Esarey His Ancestors and their Descendants” 1968

The family of John Clark and Barbara Ewing Esarey (estimate photo date as ca 1886). Restoration 2009 from a negative made by Logan Esarey and Myra Esarey Evans and provided by Patsy Van Kesteren.
L – R: Back row: John Elmer Esarey (b.1863), Charles Sidney Esarey (b. 1871), Solomon Hervey Esarey (b.1865), Mary Isabelle Esarey (b. 1867). Middle: Marcus Logan Esarey (b. 1873). Front: Olive Idora (Dora) Esarey (b. 1878), Barbara Ewing Esarey (1840-1907), Winfield Scott [“Babe”] Esarey (b. 1882), John Clark Esarey (1841-1924), Rosaltha Eleanor Esarey (b. 1876).
(Note: Some versions of this photo identify Dora and Rose opposite to this. My only logic in labeling them this way is that the girl on the far left seems younger than the girl on the far right.)
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James Gibson and Olive Idora Esarey. Probably 1894 wedding picture. Download the clippings of the tragic 1903 death of James while helping his brother’s (State Senator Thomas Jefferson Gibson) family. Upon James’s death, Dora was left with four children (Emma, Carrie, Victor, and Loren) under 8 years old, the youngest of which was not born until after his father died. Photo courtesy of the descendants of Emma Gibson Cunningham, oldest daughter of James and Dora.
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Family of Henry Esry (1-3-8-6) and Margaret J. Mayfield Esry, Eldorado Springs, MO. (late 1890s)
(Many of Henry and Margaret’s descendants still live in western Missouri.)

The Riddle School, Perry County, Indiana, ca 1910-1915

Branchville School, estimate 1902 or 1903
See more Branchville area schools in Gallery 3

Extended families of Hiram Marcus Esarey (son of Jesse Clark Esarey) and Anna Saalman Bengal Esarey
Probably taken in Branchville, IN, at April 1905 wedding of Elisha and Edna (CORRECTION: photo taken at “the John Harris Place” in 1906)
BACK ROW: Thaddeus Riddle (son of Dolly), Elvin, Eugene, and Calvin Esarey, Theodore Bengal, Elisha Esarey, Edna H. Tadlock Esarey. FRONT ROW: Grace Riddle (daughter of Dollie), Kate Esarey Lankford, Goldie Lankford, Willis Lankford, Ray Lankford, Steve Lankford, Dollie (Sabina) Esarey Goelzer, Oliver Goelzer, Anna A. Saalman Bengal Esarey, Archie Esarey, Hiram Marcus Esarey.
When this picture was taken in 1905, the oldest children of Hiram Marcus Esarey were well-started on their own families. Sixty years later, when the Esarey genealogy volume was completed by Myra Esarey Evans, the descendants of Hiram Marcus Esarey and/or Anna Saalman numbered in excess of 150 individuals with at least 20 surnames (Bengal, Clifton, Coleman, Esarey, Fischer, Gunter, Hay, Hennigan, Jones, Kaiser, Kennard, McKennon, Lankford, Lemond, Riddle, Roberts, Russell, Stoddard, Vaughn, Williamson).
DOWNLOAD a genealogy of these descendants as of 1968 (pdf file 370k).
ACCESS a high resolution file of this image (download by right clicking) (1.35 mb jpg).
ACCESS a high resolution file of family w/o the grandchildren (1.0 mb jpg).
ERROR NOTICE: Until August 25, 2007 the image of Hiram and Anna’s extended family and the accompanying high resolution image had an error naming four of the people in the front row. If you downloaded or otherwise recorded these images/information before that date, please check against the attributions as the now are.

From photo album of Carrie A. Gibson Esarey Riddle in possession of Duane Esarey

Newspaper clipping scanned at a family reunion

James J. Esarey and his wife Ruth Carr Esarey – scanned at a family reunion.
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Clipping scanned at a family reunion