Lost and misplaced – Esarey related photos needing identification

Branchville Methodist Church – date and people unknown

Unknown child with birthday of December 12.

Unknown. No information at all.

Unidentified children at the Esarey (Beall) Farm in Keensburg, IL. Est. 1910s or 1920s.

Group of Branchville women in front of the old store. Now mostly identified!
(L-R) Unidentified, Dora (Olive Idora) Esarey Gibson, Phoeba Sprinkle,
Alma Sprinkle, Nina Wright, Emma ____, and Rose Esarey Goldman

Now identified! Thaddeus Colfax Riddle, Jr. (b. 1924) and his adopted brother, Robert Dewey Riddle (b. 1918). These are children of Thad and Flora Riddle, and grandchildren of “Dollie” Esarey. Photo date ca. 1925. Identification courtesy of Alice Riddle, (Lubbock, TX), wife of the late Thaddeus Riddle, Jr.