Gallery 2 – Mostly after 1900

Eugene Reinhart Esarey (reading paper), with a Brush Auto in Mt. Carmel, IL. (1914)
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John Clark Esarey (1841-1924) with his grandson Ralph Esarey, future State Geologist of Indiana. Ralph (b. 1901) was son of Logan and Laura Esarey. Photo from Myra E. Evans “Logan Esarey His Ancestors and their Descendants” 1968

Elvin Esarey (back row, 2nd from left) and Eugene Esarey (back row, far right). Est. date of 1910? Photo in Carrie Gibson Esarey Riddle photo album.

Dora (Olive Idora) Esarey (1878-1938). Dau. of John Clark and Barbara Ewing Esarey. Married James Gibson, who died in the 1903 smallpox outbreak. Photo in Carrie Gibson Esarey Riddle photo album.

Three of the children of John Clark Esarey and Barbara Ewing: Dora, Charles, and Logan. Photo from Myra E. Evans “Logan Esarey His Ancestors and their Descendants” 1968

Anna Saalman, dau. of Columbus Saalman, grand daughter of Christian R. and Dorothea R. Saalman. Photo in album of Carrie Gibson Esarey Riddle.

Estimate photo date as ca. 1900.

Edna Tadlock and cousin (1921 Dodge?)

Elisha Esarey (b. 1879) was oldest son of Hiram Marcus Esarey and Barbara L. Schnoeple.

Selma June Esarey 1908 – 1937. Daughter of Elisha and Edna, mother of the Kaiser brothers.
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Herman Elvin Esarey (b. 1890) was son of Hiram Marcus and Anna Saalman Esarey.

Felix Ewing Esarey and James Hughes Esarey in circa 1932. Sons of Jesse Clark Esarey and Susannah Hughes. See Gallery 1 page for images of these men in their youth. Photos courtesy of Chuck Esarey.

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A ca. 1900 – 1910 gathering at the well at Sulphur, Crawford County, Indiana. Checkmarks indicate Calvin Esarey and Theodore Bengal (sons of Anna Saalman). Photo courtesy of Jessie M. Esarey McKennon, daughter of Calivn Esarey.

An old fashioned baptism in the Wabash River near Rochester, Wabash County. Photo probably taken from the Esarey Ferry near Keensburg, IL. Photo album of Carrie Gibson Esarey Riddle.