Gallery 3
Early Branchville area schools and the story of Reverend Hiram M. Frakes
Branchville High School 1912/1913 – Last year the High School was in Branchville

Branchville High School 1912 and 1913: Left to right: Alma Goelzer, Richard Mullins, Logan Jeffries, Ed Pollard, Gladys Walker, Marcus Lyons, Justus Gibson, Carrie Gibson, Edison Gibson, Roy Deen, Lucius Walker (Emma Holmes and Roy Mason, teachers). Photo courtesy of the late Mansfield Frakes via Rosanna Gibson.
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Oriole School ca. 1890s?

Oriole School, ca. 1890s (slate says “Chestnut City School, Mrs. Esarey, teacher.” Chestnut city is the name of Oriole prior to 1890.
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Top Row (L to R): Ernest Zahnd, John Senn, Amy Colby, Bertha Moreland, Pete Senn, Ora Cox, Tillie Holmes, Edna Holmes, Annie Steinhall, Maude Esarey (teacher).
Middle Row: Emma Holmes, Mayme Steinhall, Mary Senn, Ollie Ripperdan, Stella Holmes, unknown, Bertha Keilman, ____ Ripperdan, Bertha Steinhall, Lizzie Steinhall, Addie Bernardi, Theresa Deen (dau. of Richard Deen), Myrtle Roberson, Ethel Steinhall, …
Rest unknown except boy holding slate is Clarence Senn.
The Riddle School, Perry County, Indiana, ca 1910-1915

Branchville School, estimate 1902 or 1903

Branchville School and Rev. Hiram Frakes
Hiram Marcus Frakes, subject of the interesting 1971 book Fire in the Hills: The Story of Parson Frakes and the Henderson Settlement by Lee Fisher, grew up in Branchville, Indiana. Born in 1888 he was the child of William E. Frakes and Sarah V. Carr, grandson of Grayson Frakes and Mary Ann Esarey, and great-grandson of Hiram Marcus Esarey (the elder) and Sophia Walker. He married Leota Walker of Branchville and their lives included the events detailed in Fisher’s book. In 1967 after Hiram retired to Bloomington, Indiana, he was interviewed by the Tell City newspaper. Posted below is the main part of that article.
Frakes gives us three snapshots of the Branchville School at the turn of the century and lists many of the students present. In Carrie Esarey’s handwriting on the image we see the note: “Fully 2/3 of the people here are related to us in one way or another.”

Frakes’ lists of the various students include:
1894 picture: Johnny Ewing (teacher), Nick Lucas, Land Sprinkle, Grace Frakes, Cora Sprinkle, Jim Gibson, Emma Ewing, Catherine Esarey, Rilly Esarey, Richard Esarey, Mary Esarey, and Arthur Deen.
1900 picture: Joe Saalman (teacher), Albert Humbert, Winona Walker, Mary Bernardi, Leota Walker, Mary Perrot, Pheba Gibson, Ida Frakes, Thirza Esarey, Willie Velzen. Also Heber Marting, Frank Bernardi, Hiram Frakes, Nathan Marting, Orville Gibson, Victor Gibson, Henderson Deen, Amos Marting, Alma Sprinkle, Elmer Frakes, Nina Sprinkle, Florence Humbert, Leora Deen, Charles Sprinkle, Clara Bouillon, Loretta Cluttinger, Elsa Walker, Jesse Gibson, Elwood Frakes, and Jesse Frakes, Charles Carr, Verona Lucas, Cecilia Lucas, and Floyd Deen.
1906 picture: Ethel Campbell (teacher), May Perrot, Charlie Sprinkle, Leota Walker, Hiram Frakes, Winona Walker, Jesse Frakes, Frank Bernardi, Orville Gibson, Alma Sprinkle, Willie Velzen, Mae Cluttinger, Clara Bouillion, Verona Lucas, Elsie Walker, Melissa Walker, Mae Cluttinger, Ida Frakes, Pheba Gibson, Nina Sprinkle, Edison Gibson, Elwood Frakes, Darcie Marting, Jimmie Boullion, Amzel Pierson, Mary Lucas, amd Edward Boullion.

Branchville School (School 13, Oil Twp., Perry County, IN), circa 1900 (Download high resolution) Image from collection of Myra Esarey Evans.
Labels on the back: Top Row: Amos Marting, Victor Gibson, Heber Marting, Elmer Frakes, Leora Deen, Mary Bernardi, May Perrot.
Row Two: Joseph Reinhart Saalman (teacher), Orville Gibson, Henderson Deen, Alma Sprinkle, Nina Sprinkle, unknown girl, Everett Frakes, ___ Walker, Leota Walker, Phoebe Gibson, Ida Frakes, Thursa Esarey, Willie Velcin.
Row Three: ____ Marting, Frank Bernardi, Hiram M. Frakes, Charlie Sprinkle, unknown girl, unknown girl, unknown girl, unknown girl, ____Walker, Jess Gibson, Elwood Frakes, Jess Frakes, Charlie Carr.
Row Four (front): includes in this order … Floyd Deen Roy Deen, Lude Galey, Eugene Galey