Level 3, 4 and 5: Descendants of Jonathon Davis Essery/Esarey (1783 – 1858)

Note to descendants: Jonathon Davis Essery/Esarey is the third child of John and Hester, so his assigned number is 1-3. His descendants are 13 of the 45 grandchildren lines from John Essery and Hester Clark Essery. Those 13 lines are individually numbered here as 1-3-# according to their birth order.
On this page we procede along those 13 (of the 45 grandchildren) lines, down through 82 (of the 245) great-grandchildren to a fifth level, the great-great-grandchildren of John Essery and Hester Clark Essery. There are 315 individuals at the g-g-grandchild level (the children of the 1 – 3 – # – # entries) listed on this page. All things being equal, bringing the lines of all 45 of John and Hester’s grandchildren to the fifth level would ennumerate approximately 1000 individuals.
As a group, this fifth level generation was mostly born in the second half of the 1800s and earliest part of the 1900s. The people in this fifth generation, as seen on this and dependant pages, are typically the parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and great-great grandparents of people now (ca. 2000) living. Look for links off of these people on this page that detail subsequent generations, but if you cannot find any further leads toward your branch, consider helping to build it.
1 John Essery (1744-1828) & Sarah Hester (Easter) Clark (1758-1818)
1-3 Jonathon Davis Essery/Esarey (1783-1858) mar. 4 times. He had 13 children (born 1805-1832), at least __ grandchildren, and at least __ great-grandchildren..
JDE and Sarah Wiley (?-1805), mar. 7 July 1802 (1 child)
JDE and Sarah Shaver (1778-1843), married 12 Jan. 1809 (12 child.)
JDE and Frances Hammack (1796-1851), mar. 7 Jan. 1844 (no children)
JDE and Catharine Gaddis, mar. 25 Aug. 1854 (no children)
1-3-1 John (Jack) Wiley Esarey (1805-1849)
no known marriage or children
1-3-2 Benjamin Mason Esarey (1810-1876), mar. Eliz. Meisner (5 child.), later Eliz. Rhodes
1-3-2-1 Saphira Esarey (1835-1898)
Mar. Matthew Sample (no issue), then Daniel Rhodes (after 1865) and moved ca. 1881 to Washburn, MO. (11 older step-children, 4 children – Mason, Elvira, Thomas Edward, and Ida Rhodes/Rhoads).
1-3-2-2 Allen Esarey (1869-1918)
Mar. Bessie Stites (6 child. – Ray, Verna, Carl, Roy, Millard, Willard).
1-3-2-3 Elvena Esarey (1871-1949)
Mar. Dennis Watson (7 child. – Samuel Dennis, Luther Edman, Cora Belle, John Thomas, Cordelia, Jesse Clifford, Allen Herbert, and Elizabeth Watson).
1-3-2-4 Cordelia Esarey (1872-1962)
Mar. Bennett F. Putman (6 children – Kenneth, Grady, Glovie, Larence, Helen, Marie, and Ralph Putman). Lived in Crawford Co., Arkansas.
1-3-2-5 Luther Esarey (1875-1931)
Mar. Vera J. Vinsett. Also lived Crawford Co., Arkansas.
1-3-3 Matilda Esarey (1811-1838/1839), Wyatt Smith Pearson, Sr. (3 child.)
1-3-3-1 Henry Homer Pearson (1835-?)
Mar. Mary Lorinda Hussong (8 child. – Ellen, Anderson Alto, Rosa Ava, Susannah Alma, Naomi Sarah, William Cornelius, Charles Haskel, and Frederick Homer Pearson). Lived Jasper/Coles/Edgar County, IL area.
1-3-3-2 William Austin Pearson (1837-1914)
Mar. Charlotte Evinger (2 child. – Thomas Benjamin and Elizabeth Ella Pearson).
1-3-3-3 Rachel Pearson (1839-1925)
Mar. Marion Jasper Fuqua (10 child. – infant, infant, Freddie, Eddie, Clara, Frank, William, Charles, Gertrude Adelle, Ernest A. Fuqua).
Wyatt Pearson had 4 more children by subsequent marriage.
1-3-4 Hiram Marcus Esarey (1813-1891), mar. Sophia Walker (9 child.), later Dorothea Saalman
1-3-4-1 William Mansfield Esarey (1835-1861), mar. Margaret J. Washburn (1 child – Carolyn Genevra Esarey)
1-3-4-2 Eliza Jane Esarey (1837-1904), mar. John Shoemaker Frakes (7 child. – Mary Ann, Sarepta, Martha Elizabeth, Melissa A., Sarah A., Emma Helen, and Theodore Hiram Frakes).
1-3-4-3 Matilda Esarey (1838-1922), mar. James Shacklett Frakes (12 child. – William Harrison, Jesse Grayson, Keziah Belle, William Hiram, Henderson Lafayette, Robert Mansfield, Albert, Mary Sofia, Emma Edaline, Marth Clara, Adell Alice, And Edgar Byron Frakes).
1-3-4-4 Mary Ann Esarey (1840-1904), mar. Grayson Frakes (7 child. – William E., Alsina, Carroll Vessie, Hiram V., Evaline N., H. Eugene, and Grace M. Frakes).
1-3-4-5 Sarah Esarey (1842-?), died young.
1-3-4-6 Elvira Esarey (1844-1930), known as “Bide”
1-3-4-7 Martha Elizabeth Esarey (1846-?), mar. Marion J. Harpe (d. 1883), then John Waddle (1 child – Jesse J. Harpe)
1-3-4-8 Frances Emaline Esarey (1848-?) died young.
1-3-4-9 Nancy Allen Esarey (1850-?), mar. Peter Fillmore Horton (8 child. – Roscoe E., Emma E. Fannie E., Aden, Della, Pearl, Richard Clark, and Millard Fillmore Horton).
1-3-5 Reason Esarey (1815-1873), mar. Mary Lamon/Leman 15 Dec 1842, Harrison Co., IN (7 children)
Note: Myra Esarey Evans coverage (p. 166) on the children of Reason and Mary is a bit garbled. The information below comes from Rootsweb as based on research by descendant Joy Mattli (pers. comm. Gary Essary). Most of these people are buried at “Esarey Chapel.” This may be same as Ray’s Chapel Cemetery, Scott Twp, Harrison Co., IN near Reason and Mary’s home.
1-3-5-1 Jonathan Mason Esarey (b. 2 Nov. 1843; d. 17 June 1865)
1-3-5-2 Amy Lucinda Esarey (b. ~1846; d. ~1907), mar. Joseph Lynch 16 March 1867, Harrison Co. IN (7 child. – Reason Willis, Mary Elizabeth, Joseph J., Myrtle, Albert Morton, Felix Lafayette, and Luther Lynch).
1-3-5-3 Allen Wiley Esarey (b. 18 May 1848; d. 1849)
1-3-5-4 Sarah Frances Esarey (b. 17 May 1851; d. 1866)
1-3-5-5 Granville Talbot (Jube) Esarey (20 Sept 1853; d. 24 Oct 1881), mar. (1 son. – unknown). Jube and Tom were twins.
1-3-5-6 Melville Thompson (Tom) Esarey (20 Sept 1853; d. 1874), mar. Susan Wood (no child.)
1-3-5-7 Mary E. Esarey (28 Apr 1856; d. 1888)
1-3-6 Jesse Clark Esarey (1817-1869) mar. Susannah Hughes (12 children)
Go to a page detailing their children and grandchildren
1-3-6-1 Mary Ellen Esarey (1840-1932)
Mar. John William Ewing (9 child. – Susan Mariah, Jesse Clark, Jr., Barbara Ellen, Samuel Graham, Martin Luther, James Alonzo, John William, Emily Cicely, and Olive Matilda Ewing)
1-3-6-2 John Clark Esarey (1841-1924)
Mar. Barbara Ewing (9 child. – John Elmer, Solomon Hervey, Mary Isabelle, Marilla Lamb, Charles Sidney, Marcus Logan, Rosaltha Eleanor, Olive Idora, and Winfield Scott (Babe) Esarey)
1-3-6-3 Sarah Esarey (1843-1929)
Mar. Absalom Carr Miller (7 child. – Rhoda Ellen, Lucy Jane, John Marcus, Martha, Mary Ann, Julia Angeline, and Susan Letitia Miller).
1-3-6-4 Jonathon Davis Esarey “Jr.” (1845-1923)
Mar. Mary Ann Ewing (d.1875), then Sally Ann Sprinkle Austin (d. after 1890), then Emma A. Clutinger Carr. There were 4 child. w/ Mary Ann – Minerva Ellen, Jesse Clark, Susan Florence, and Maria Isabel Esarey), then 4 child. w/ Sally Ann – Matha Emmeline, Cynthia Clarinda, Jonathan Davis (“III”) and Sarah Ann Esarey.
1-3-6-5 Hiram Marcus “Mark” Esarey (1847-1929)
Mar. Barbara Louise Schnoepel (1851-1880-82), then Anna Amenda Saalman Bengal (1858-1928). There were 5 child. with Barbara (Jesse Otto, Sabina Isabel “Dollie”, Katie Louella, Elijah, Elisha). Anna had 1 child (Theo. Bengal) by first marriage and then 7 children with Mark (Calvin Marcus, Eugene Rinehart, Herman Elvin, Archie Eldo, infant, twin infants).
1-3-6-6 Jacob Absalom Esarey (1849-1916)
Mar. Angeline Horton (d. 1879), then Mary Ann “Polly” Miller Hughes. There were 4 child. with Angeline (Jesse Reuben, Susan Lydia, Harriet Beecher, and Oliver Burton Esarey; of which only Harriet lived to adulthood), then 1 child with Polly (Jacob Hiram Esarey, who also died in infancy).
1-3-6-7 Felix Ewing Esarey (1851-1942)
Mar. Ellen Goldman (1851-1934). Eight child. (Verilla Ray, Philip Sheridan, Marion Felix, Maud Lee, Elizabeth, William H, John Wesley “Long John“, and Lily Elaine Esarey).
1-3-6-8 Samuel Walker Esarey (1854-1900)
Mar. Mary Elizabeth Van Winkle (8 child. – Simeon Jesse, Ethel, Alvena, Curtis, Phoebe Frederick, Mary Victoria, Walter, John William, and Mary Elizabeth Esarey)
1-3-6-9 Jesse Benjamin Esarey (1857-1928)
Mar. Anne Marie Cassidy Sprinkle (She had one child by first mar. and then w/ Jesse had 4 child. – Claude Martin, Albert Oscar, Jesse David, and Ethel Mary Esarey).
1-3-6-10 Susannah Esarey (1859-1931)
Mar. John William Frakes (6 child. – Bertha Luella, Arthur Elmer, Hettie May, Jesse Clark, Ida Pearl, and Mary Isabelle Frakes).
1-3-6-11 James Hughes Esarey (1861-1948)
Mar. Sarah Jane Reason (d. ?), then Rosa E. Brown. (5 child. total – Emma Florence, Nolan, Charles Coin, Jesse William, and Danzell Jewell Esarey).
1-3-6-12 William Darlington Esarey (1866-1923)
Mar. Ella Little (2 child. – infant, Nellie Esarey)
1-3-7 Felix Esarey (1819-1851) never married
1-3-8 Isaiah Horton Esarey (1821-1871), mar. Clarissa Lasher (11 child.)
Note: The Esry spelling of our surname begins with some, but not all, of Isaiah and Clarissa’s children. You can note on Isaiah’s 1871 will that, like many of our ancestors, his level of literacy required “making his mark” rather than signing his name.
1-3-8-1 James Esry/Esarey (1844-1913)
Mar. Sarah Emeline Deen (her brother mar. 1-3-4-2-2) (10 child. Nettie J, Henry, Richard Deen, Catherine, Verilla, infant, Isaiah Horton, Lewis M., Mary R., and Thirza Esry/Esarey).
1-3-8-2 Jonathon Davis Esry/Esarey (1846-1847)
1-3-8-3 Jacob Lasher Esry/Esarey (1847-1915)
Mar. Lucinda Alvey (3 child. – Charles, George Henry, and William Oscar Esarey/Esry). (See corrections Myra E. Evans 1968:421, giving alternate wife and children for 1-3-8-3 to whit: mar. Victoria Flamion, 3 child. – Maggie, Inez Esry/Esarey)
1-3-8-4 Mary Elizabeth Esry/Esarey (1849-?)
Mar. Peter Newton King (9 child. – Wiliba, Sarah C, Mary, Carrie Cordelia, Winfield W., Rosa E., Flavia, Girtha, and Martha A. King).
1-3-8-5 William M. Esry/Esarey (1850-1850)
1-3-8-6 Henry Esry (1851-1950)
Mar. Margaret J. Mayfield (6 child. – Elivira M., Stella Autentia, Flery Clatus, Hurshal R., Alma Pearl, and Lavert R. Esry/Esarey)
See a ca. 1890s photo of Henry and Margaret Esry family, Eldorado Springs, Missouri in the Photo Gallery 1.
1-3-8-7 Daniel B. Esry/Esarey (1853-1946)
Mar. Nancy L. Hollowell (2 children – Mary C, and Mary C. Esry died as infants), then mar. Mary C. Pritchett (2 child. – Agnes and Mable Blanche Esry), then Julie James.
1-3-8-8 Sarah S. Esry/Esarey (1855-1924)
Mar. A. M. Mitchell (5 child. – Walter S. Martha Lela, Etha, Iva, and Rosa Mitchell).
1-3-8-9 Isaiah Jeremiah Esry/Esarey (1857-1857)
1-3-8-10 Rebecca C. Esry/Esarey (1858-1903)
Mar. George T. Willard (6 child. – Edwin L., Arcus B., Cora B., John H., Stella, and Ella Willard).
1-3-8-11 Charles Docy Esry (1860-1939)
Mar. Mary Emily Mayfield (12 child. – Loto Mozell, Tressie Auzelle, Herbert Berl, Clyde Horton, Docia Blanche, Gertrude Mabel, Margaret May, Ethel Adelaide, Leta Golden, Floy Doris, Velma Jewel, and Doris Marie Esarey/Esry).
1-3-9 Jonathon Davis Esarey, Jr. (1823-1843)
No marriage or children. See Walker Cem. tombstone
1-3-10 Nancy Ann Esarey (1824-1884), mar. Benjamin J. Carmickle (11 child.)
1-3-10-1 Mary Carmickle (1844-1903)
Mar. Fred Smith, then mar. Joseph Saalman (1 child Grace Saalman).
1-3-10-2 William Carmickle (1846-1864 Civil War)
Mar. Emeline Burton (4 child. – Florence, William, Olie, May, and James Carmickle)
1-3-10-3 Jonathon Clark Carmickle(1847-1934)
Mar. Antoinette Colby (8 child. – Nancy Ann, Martha Ella, Lily May, John D., Robert A., Elsie, Carrie E., and John Carmickle).
1-3-10-4 Hiram Curry (Doc) Carmickle (1851-?)
Mar. Mariah Nelson. No children.
1-3-10-5 Sarah Jane Carmickle (1853-?)
Mar. John Bulger, then James D, Murray.
1-3-10-6 Benjamin F. Carmickle (1855-1938)
Mar. Carolyn Genevra Esarey (see 1-3-4-1 up above) (1859-1885). Children with Carolyn were Pernia Aldrine, Edward, William R., Luther M. Carmickle. Then (1887) mar. Sally Lowe (1860-after 1941). Children with Sally were Bina, Bertha, Loulie, and Myrtle Carmickle.
1-3-10-7 John Carmickle (1857-1895)
Mar. Rebekah Taylor (3 child. Hiram Curley, Cornelius, and Nancy A. Carmickle).
1-3-10-8 Jesse Clark Carmickle (1858-1887)
1-3-10-9 Elizabeth (Betty) F. Carmickle 1859-1931)
Mar. Van Lizemby (?-1903). Children with Van were Clarence, Raymond, and Mary Frances Lizemby. Then mar. Charles Lipscomb.
1-3–10-10 Nancy Ann Carmickle (1862-1866)
1-3-10-11 Martha Ellan Carmickle (1865-1865)
1-3-11 Verona Esarey (1827-1887), mar. Isaac Misner (8 child.)
1-3-11-1 Henry Aaron Misner (1849-1891)
Mar. Elizabeth Rhodes Esarey (widow of 1-3-2). (4 child. – Nina Frances, Marion Franklin, McHenry, and Grover Misner.)
1-3-11-2 Martha Ann Misner (1852-1865)
1-3-11-3 Mary A. Misner (1854-1855)
1-3-11-4 John Alexander Misner (1856-1902)
Mar. Nancy Ellen Scott (6 child. – Rosie, Grace, Nellie, Edith, unnamed, unnamed).
1-3-11-5 James William Misner (1859-1865)
1-3-11-6 Sarah Adelaide Misner (1861-?)
Mar. ___ Bennett (lived in Marshall, IL).
1-3-11-7 Benjamin Franklin Misner (1864-1866)
1-3-11-8 Thomas Jefferson Misner (1866-1922)
Mar. Nancy McCarty (6 child. Flossie May, Ethel, Etta, William Isaac, Robert Martin, Essie Margaret, and Clifford Thomas Misner).
1-3-12 Jacob Esarey (1829-1910), mar. Barbara Ann Elder (11 child.)

1-3-12-1 Sarah Frances Esarey (1852-1928)
Mar. John Howe (1853-1907). They had 5 children. (Child. – Nancy Ellen Jacob Absolom, Lewis Emery, Eva Odessa, and Barbara J. [Helen?] Howe). In 1910 she mar. John Clark Esarey (1-3-6-2) after his wife Barabara Ewing had died.
1-3-12-2 James J. (“Black Jim”) Esarey (1854-1918)
Mar. Ruth Carr (1849-1924). Six child. – Indiana Barbara, Edward, Absolom, Minerva, Jacob J., and Nancy Esarey.
1-3-12-3 Jesse Duquesne Esarey (1856-186_)
1-3-12-4 John Andrew Esarey (1857-1923)
Mar. Pauline Holman (2 child. – Peter and Elmer Esarey)
1-3-12-5 Henry Alto Esarey (1860-?). Never married.
1-3-12-6 Malinda A. Esarey (1862-1949)
Mar. Emile Dupaquier (?-1918), brother to sister Eva’s husband John). Four child. – Ethel, Albert L., Emile Zenor, and Leo Dupaquier.
1-3-12-7 Minerva G. Esarey (1863-?)
Mar. Peter Borsenberger, brother to Minerva’s brother Thomas’ wife Josephine. Six child. – William, Emile E., Henry A., Barbara Ann, Mary S., and Jessie E. Borsenberger.
1-3-12-8 Eva E. Esarey (1865-1936)
Mar. John A. Dupaquier (brother to Malinda’s husband Emile). Two child. – Edgar and Jessie Dupaquier, then mar. Henry C. Reynolds.
1-3-12-9 Thomas Dedman Esarey (1867-1950)
Mar. Josephine Louise Borsenberger (?-1932), the sister of his sister Minerva’s husband Peter. Eleven child. – Bertie M., Mabel N., Gay Thomas, John Nathan, Essa Marie, Fannie J., Clarence Elder, Mary E., and Porter Horton Esarey (plus two infants).
1-3-12-10 Mary E. Esarey (1870-1915)
Mar. Henry Castle. No children.
1-3-12-11 Porter Horton Esarey (1870-?)
Mar. Corda Byrd (5 child. – Pearly F., Ernest R., App, Iva M., and Audry F. Esarey)
1-3-13 Mary Esarey (1832-1864), mar. Simeon Shircliffe (6 child.)
1-3-13-1 James Alonzo “Lon” Shircliffe 1851-1922
Mar. Anna Mary Cassidy (5 child. – Charles Alvin, Mary Rosella, Gordon A., Clarence Cassidy, and Harold Shircliffe).
1-3-13-2 Hiram Clark Shircliffe (1853-1871)
1-3-13-3 Sarah Frances Shircliffe (1855-1902)
Mar. Peter Luxemberger (2 child. – Floyd and Jesse Luxemberger).
1-3-13-4 Mary Martha Shircliffe (1858-1925)
Mar. William Henry Newsmith (1844-?). Two children – Charles Alonzo and William Alpha Nesmith
1-3-13-5 Nancy E. Shircliffe (1851-1862)
1-3-13-6 Helena A. Shircliffe (1863-1863)