The Doe Run Esarey/Esrey/Esry Family Reunion, Brandenburg, KY

The Annual Doe Run Reunion:
the evening before the Annual Esarey Reunion
Doe Run is unfortunately unavailable for 2012 Esarey Reunion activities (see alternate plans).
Since about 1990 descendants of John and Sarah Essery have gathered the evening before the Annual Esarey Reunion at the historic Doe Run Inn in Brandenburg, Kentucky to share a meal, get together for conversation, compare genealogical notes, and then settle down for some fiddle, guitar, and banjo music. A historical marker near Doe Run Inn mentions Jonathon Essery. The Meade County, KY history says Essery built “the first corn mill in Meade County… an under-shot corn cracker… just below the mouth of Blue Spring Branch on Doe Run.” The history of the 1780s-1810 era contains other mentions of John Essery’s activities ca. 1780, alongside such notable names as Squire Boone and Tom Lincoln.
The organizer of each year’s Doe Run Reunion is Dwight Esarey of Fairfield, IL 62837. Send him a letter or give him a call if you are thinking of attending. (Google his name and town to get a mailing address or phone number.)
Integration of the annual Doe Run gathering with this coming year’s 2010 Esarey Bicentennial Reunion is not yet settled. Brandenburg, KY and Tell City, in Perrry County, IN are 90 minutes apart and the fact there are Saturday and Sunday Reunion activities in Perry County will probably resuly in either moving this year’s Doe Run get together to Friday or cancelling it. Stay tuned for details!

Download a video clip of the music! (AVI file – Careful – almost 8 megabytes! Don’t do this on a dial up modem!)