The Esarey Family Reunion website is dedicated to Carrie Antoinette Gibson (1897-1976), born and raised in Branchville. Carrie was granddaughter of John Clark and Barbara Ewing Esarey, daughter of James Gibson and Idora Esarey, wife of Eugene Esarey and later of Thaddeus Riddle (grandson of Hiram Marcus Esarey) – all of Perry County. Carrie was connected to everyone and everything family.
These pages are for Carrie and Eugene’s family – a chronological pictorial review of people dear to us.
THIS IS PAGE 2 – after 1945

a newspaper clipping from Carrie's photo album about when she received her GED in spite of having attended college and taught school for years. Clark graduated from high school the same time.

Ca. early 1950s – Carrie

Ca. 1949? – Jim, Kermit, Clark, and Dwight Esarey. Carrie and Eugene’s first grandchild – Kermit and Lee’s daughter Gail in front. Taken at the Eugene and Carrie’s farm on the north side of Beall Woods in Wabash County, IL.

Ca. 1950/1951 – Jim, Clark, Lee, Kermit, and Gail Esarey. I think this was taken at Urbana, IL.

Ca. 1951 – Kermit, Lanny Gibson (cousin), and Clark.

early 1950s – Lee, Gail, and Kermit Esarey

early 1951 – Eugene, Carrie, Jim, Clark, and Dwight Esarey. Photo taken in Keensburg, IL not long before Eugene was killed in a farm accident.

1951 – I assume this must be in early May at Eugene’s funeral. L – R: Emma, Loren, Dwight, Carrie, Jeannie, Lee, Kermit, and Clark. Photo taken at Carrie and Eugene’s farm north of Beall Woods, Wabash County, IL

1951 – Clark at University of Illinois in Urbana

1955 – Carrie and Elizabeth Beggs at Jim and Emily’s wedding. (Oak Park, IL?)

1955 – Sarah Beggs and Carrie at Jim and Emily’s wedding.

Ca. 1960? – Emma and Carrie. I think this was taken at Emma’s house in Arcadia.

Ca. 1960-1965 – Loren, Emma, Victor, Carrie, and Floyd at Arcadia, IN.

1960s – Carrie

1966 – a bunch of cousins at the Branchville Reunion
Two families of Carrie and Eugene’s grandchildren (Dwight’s and Jim’s)
Left to right – Tina, Jonathon, Mark Dwight, Pam, Corby, Justus, Leonora

1967 – Dwight and his children at their place near Oblong, IL
Left to right – Corby, Tina, Rick, Mark Dwight, Pam, and Dwight

1969 – Carrie and some largemouth bass. At Charles and Bea Frakes’ place at Lake Marion in Florida.

1969 – Thad Riddle and Carrie at Thad’s place in Texas.

1969 – Thad and Carrie

1970 – Carrie and Eugene’s youngest grandchild, Laura Jane Esarey

1971 – Carrie and Emma at their parents’ grave, Walker Cemetery, Branchville, IN.

1971 – Emma, Thad, and Carrie on trip back home to Perry County. Photo taken at Emma and Carrie’s grandparents’ grave at Tobinsport, IN.

1974 December – Carrie and a mess of grandchildren on the dock at Charles and Bea Frakes place at Lake Marion, Florida. This is the Christmas after Thad died and the last year that Carrie lived in Florida. L-R: Mark Edward Esarey, Duane Esarey, Janet Johnson, Mark Dwight Esarey, Carrie, Lynne Esarey.

1975 – Large get-together of Emma, Carrie, and Loren and families at Arcadia, IN.

1975 – Emma, Loren, Laura, and Carrie at Arcadia, IN.

1975 – Carrie and her boys, Arcadia, IN
Carrie died April 29, 1976 immediately after an attempted heart valve operation at Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis.

1992 – Melvin Esarey, Emma Gibson Cunningham, and Loren Gibson at Doe Run Inn, Esarey Reunion. Emma lived until she was 105 years old.

Ca. 2000 – Carrie and Eugene’s boys at the Esarey Family Reunion in Perry County, IN

2005 – Jim Esarey studying up on family history at the Esarey Family Reunion.

2010 – Carrie and Eugene’s boys at the 100th Annual Esarey Reunion

2010 – Eugene and Carrie’s sons, wives, grandchildren and spouses, great grandchildren and spouses, and great, great grandchildren